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How do I log in?
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Who is my district placement director?
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
How does matching work?
For Candidates
What does my visibility mean?
What does my availability mean?
Why hasn’t my profile been approved?
How will I know when a church has matched to me?
How do I find a list of churches with open positions?
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For Churches
How do I view recommended candidates for my position?
Our church profile has been approved. How do we begin a matching search?
Why hasn't our new position search been approved?
How do I invite a candidate?
How do I make changes to our position search?
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For District Placement Directors
How do I approve a candidate's profile?
How do I create an account for a candidate?
Can I sort list views of churches and/or candidates?
Why is this candidate concealed? How can I see his or her identity?
Who can see the identity of a concealed candidate?
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For Church Placement Directors
How do I see candidate matches to our search?
For Administrators
How do I make changes to a candidate's account?